Category : Medical


Why Rich People Love Health Savings Accounts

health savings accounts

Say the words “triple tax-advantaged,” and you’ll see many people’s eyes glaze over. (Someone might try changing the subject to the latest Game of Thrones episode.) Not many people love talking taxes — but learning about this admittedly dry topic can pay off in unexpected ways. Want an interesting dinner-party conversation? Tell your guests why legislators hope to expand health savings accounts (HSAs). And if you open one yourself, you’ll reap serious tax advantages you won’t get from traditional investments. We’ll explain why rich people love health savings accounts so much — and how they can help reduce your tax burden.

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Assisted Living Insurance Policy Benefits: When to Buy and How Much

assisted living insurance policy

“Long-term care” is a phrase that means many different things to different people. Younger people may not even know what an assisted living insurance policy is, or how and when to purchase one. Despite the various images the thought of long-term care may conjure, most people know one thing about it: it’s expensive. 

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